Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Admit it Already

Dear Jon and Kate,

We know that you are on a reality show. I'm so sick of you talking about being away from the kids or going to work. We all know that work involves you going on morning shows and bad mouthing the other person to drive up ratings. Stop saying that the reality show has absolutely no bearing on your divorce or that it doesn't affect your kids. We know that companies give you custom motorcycles and playhouses. I'd just like to get a gswf filter free but I'll have to buy one. Stop pretending you are an average family. You are not and that's ok.

I think the show would take on a whole new life if they'd be real. Sure, there are similarities between them and the average family. We work, we fight, we yell, we hug. The show would just seem so much less forced if they'd just admit they were on a reality show. Last night they re-aired an episode where Jon and Kate were still together. They were trying to wrangle the kids into doing a photo shoot and it was pure terror. After it was done they turned on Footloose and danced around right on the set of the photo shoot. I think it was my favorite Jon and Kate moment ever. Instead of pretending that they struggle to make ends meet they should have more moments that showcase balancing what their lives really are.

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