Saturday, March 21, 2009

Music that grows on you

I first discovered the Postal Service through their song "Such Great Heights." I'm talking about the band, not the actual postal service. To my knowledge, USPS doesn't have any hit records out. I bought their album Give Up just for the one song about a year ago. I'd never heard their stuff before, but wanted to compare it to Iron & Wine's cover.

Something about the album just didn't click for me. I guess I was just expecting it to be too much like the cover song. Then one day I was riding in a Jeep through the mountains & the random feature of my mp3 player came up with the album. It just fit the rugged setting so perfectly. I find myself playing it over & over again. Now it's one of my favorites. What bands have grown on you?

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you start out not liking a band and then it sneaks up on you and you start to love it. The most recent band that fits this category for me is TV on the Radio. It's also happened with Norah Jones, Guster, Calexico, Jack Johnson, & Tom Waits.
