Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Comedy Wednesday

Honestly when I first heard about ABC's comedy Wednesday I was expecting it to not be funny, as with most of the major network's comedies. There's nothing good on TV on Wednesday; I usually work late or wonder if I'm ambitious enough to start a green study. However, after the success of Better off Ted this summer I decided to give it a go. The line up is as follows:

Modern Family: This was the first taste I had that maybe ABC could actually be funny. Now if they can just show me that they won't cancel any show I become addicted to I'll be happy.

The Middle: Less funny than "Modern Family" but still a lot funnier than anything on CBS.

Cougar Town: I wanted to like this because it had Courtney Cox in it. Instead I just kept remembering how funny Monica is and how not funny the new character is. Then I started wishing that they made new episodes of "Friends".

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