Saturday, January 10, 2009 not that Nirvana

It's no secret that I'm a huge Tom waits fan. Like Lorelai Gilmore I dream of marrying the younger version of him. As he aged, his voice took on a different tone, almost gravely. When most people hear his stuff they usually look surprised & declare "What is this?" That is Tom Waits & it is also very very good.

I'm in the process of collecting all of his albums & the other day I heard a track on Orphans called Nirvana. It's not really a song as much as it is him telling a story & when your voice is that amazing, you can tell all the stories that you want. It's a simple story about a man riding a train. I've probably listened to it twelve times. Tom Waits turns the most basic thing into an experience. I would listen to him read his grocery list.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not that big into his music, but I really like that one song where he is talking about his neighbor building something. It's weird and awesome.
