Friday, September 07, 2007

Little Women: The Movie

5t.jpg I loved the book "Little Women". Maybe it was because I didn't have sisters. I always thought that if I did, we would be best friends that had slumber parties & put together a jigsaw puzzle while talking about boys. I know that those of you who have sisters can tell me that isn't true.

Since I loved the book so much, I really didn't care for the film adaptations that I've seen. For some reason the 1933 version with Katharine Hepburn just bothered me. The 1994 version with Susan Sarandon ,Winona Ryder, Kirsten Dunst, & Claire Danes was OK, but it couldn't rival the book. There is also a 1978 version with Meredith Baxter & William Shatner that I'll have to watch just for laughs.

However, I watched the 1949 version with Elizabeth Taylor & it was the only version that was as good as the book if not better. They really captured the feeling of the family & it was a joy to finally see a decent film version of "Little Women".

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1 comment:

  1. Don't knock the '78 version till you try it. It's the best adaptation I've ever seen, done with real humanity. And Shatner is shockingly believable.
