Sunday, September 09, 2007

I could be Matlock

I never really watched "The Andy Griffith" show. However, I do like to watch Matlock. Yes, I know I'm 25 going on 70. I also watch "Murder She Wrote". I like these shows a lot better than the more recent crime dramas. As "Gilmore Girls" said something to the effect of "Oh, is it the show where they open people up & poke their organs".

Anyways, on the older mystery shows, I have become adept at spotting clues. The secret is that the camera focuses for just a second longer. Not enough that the average person would notice, but just a smidgen so that the home sleuth who spent years playing Carmen Sandiego on the computer can pick up on it. For instance, Matlock was just offered a cookie & the bad guy didn't want one because he's diabetic. That's a clue.

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