Thursday, January 15, 2009

House Changes Times

I go through this every season. I happily watch House on Tuesday nights. Then one day, there is a House rerun so I think "Oh they are taking a break." The next thing I know, this show has totally disappeared from my TV viewing line up. Then I remember that Tuesdays used to be when Gilmore Girls aired & I get all melancholy. I forget that it always changes from Tuesdays to Mondays because of American Idol.

I don't know why they can't just always keep it at Mondays. It seems like one of the more popular shows on Fox so they should pay it more respect. I like to think that it's educational, I learn about medicine. I mostly wonder if Dr. Cuddy takes diet pills, if House & Cuddy will ever get together, or if House will marry me. I'm surprised that the show has even stayed on the air the way that they move it around. Luckily, my crush on Hugh Laurie can get it's weekly fix once I figure out when it's on again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad they put it online, because it seems like all my favorite shows are already on Monday. I just recently went through a season of Gilmore Girls and got all melancholy. And angry all over again at Logan. Stupid Logan.
